As of December 2024
If you have questions regarding the Harmonisation of DRCA, VEA and MRCA, DVA website information can be found at:
Case Studies on how the changes will impact veterans can be found at:
After reading the DVA Links, if you have any further questions, please call an Advocate in
your local area or:
John Burrows – 0447 001 948
Nick Russon – 0409 585 868
Michael Carlon – 0412 608 110
Advice can also be provided from your local Advocacy Hub or RSL Centre. The following Link
will allow you to find an Advocate in your local area.
The latest Harmonisation advice from DVA is that the Draft legislation is on time and that we
still should see the new legislation taking effect as of 1 July 2025.
ASASA will have the opportunity to comment on the Draft in early 2024.