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Getting more intune with technology and using that technology to contact people, I have opened up a Instagram Page (alanbowen448) and an linkedin page (Hypo ASASA-Q) and put out a call to all Ex SAS personnel who are in Qld to give me a yell. It is just to let them know that we are here more than a recruiting poster.


So far I have had a few replies which are good. I have also started up a facebook page for the ladies to communicate via without us nosey men getting in the way. It is called Associated Ladies and Marion Gregory has agreed to be the contact person for that.

  • Instagram
  • Linkedin


We have 227 members, including widows (17), Honorary (3) and affiliate (19). We continually adopt the one big family attitude and support each other whether financial or not. Our members are proactive in the way we have come together with the CDO, CD, 9 SQN and SOER associations and we get out into the community and help a farmer.

For membership information please contact the President via his social links.

  • Instagram
  • Linkedin


Our Memorial at Bribie Island continues to be a focal point and with the recent addition of our War Dogs Plaque and the soon to be added individual names of Ken Taylor, John Guy and Peter McDougall AM, it will be once again up to date.

Farm Assist has continued to be fruitful with John Mounsey, Mick Still, a KIWI ring in, and myself travelling down to Moulamein NSW to give a hand with some fencing and sheep work. We were invited back again this year so we travelled back down to NSW this time stopping at Gunning first for some fencing before travelling back to Moulamein to help out with the shearing.

Unfortunately we lost the shooting comp against the Commando Association this year. We were fortunate to be allowed to hold the competition out at Blackbutt this year. The comp was three ranges, 10 meter for .22, 100 meter for .303 (iron sights) and clay target. We won the Clay target event, the other two went to the Commandos. About 40 people attended with the event was catered for through our BBQ trailer.

The ASASA-Q/MRR, Veterans into motor sports, is up and running and we received start up funding from SASRT. We had approached the RSL for sponsorship/partnership however the program doesn’t fall in line with their scenario. They were gracious enough to put an article on their electronic news site.


The first event has been run. The team travelled to Melbourne for the Snowy River Sprint which in a way was the shake out exercise for the team. Shane Gibbs was the newly trained Navigator with Robert Kilsby behind the wheel. Although the team didn’t place, from all reports the aims of the program here achieved.


Themed on the Pursuit of Excellence, Mountain Road Racing works with our Australian Veterans who are going through the challenge of recovering from mental and physical injuries incurred during their Service, and/or meeting issues of transitioning into civilian life and vocation, through introducing them into tarmac rally motorsport!  We provide the pathway and training in the skills to participate in that uplifting environment.  We call it our 'Veterans Into Motorsport' program. 


In the near future we will be covering many of our Team members and Team Participants, their interesting backgrounds and inspirational stories, right here on our site and other social media platforms.  Looking forward to sharing that with you and all our veterans!

Our objective is to build and operate a sustained motorsport competition program for the participation of Veterans for two calendar year seasons and create a legacy beyond, initially with a one car team, then increasing to a two car team from mid 2023 on. The Team will enter from 5 - 8 national-level Tarmac Rallies each season enabling at least 76 individual Veterans excellent participation experience in the 1st 2023 season, and with a full 2 car team in the 2nd season of 2024, the experience expands to a further, at least 98 individual Veteran participants.

The ASASA-Q Mountain Road Racing 'Veterans Into Motorsport' Program.


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